islam astrology

Understanding the Relationship Between Islam and Astrology

The interplay of Islam and astrology has long been a matter of intricate dialogue and nuanced positions within the Muslim community. While astrology was an integral part of early Islamic culture, influencing daily life and significant events, the Islamic perspective on astrology provides clear distinctions on its acceptability and use. In grappling with the relationship between Islam and astrology, scholars and believers alike reference the … Continue reading Understanding the Relationship Between Islam and Astrology

islamic proof for god

The Islamic Proofs for God: Exploring Evidence and Affirmations in Islam

In the heart of Islamic theology lies a profound foundation for the belief in a singular, omnipotent Creator, an affirmation that forms the cornerstone of faith for millions around the globe. It is in this realm that the enlightening concepts of Islamic proof for God and the evidence of God in Islam emerge, drawing upon the rich tapestry of Quranic wisdom. These indelible proofs aren’t … Continue reading The Islamic Proofs for God: Exploring Evidence and Affirmations in Islam


Unlock Sunnah: Explore the Benefits of Islamic Hijama Therapy

Welcome to a journey that uncovers the numerous benefits of Islamic Hijama Therapy, a Sunnah therapy rooted in the traditions of Islam. In this article, we will delve into the holistic health advantages of this ancient practice, including detoxification and pain relief. Hijama, also known as cupping therapy, has been a forgotten Sunnah, influencing traditional Arabic medicine for centuries. Hijama therapy is deeply rooted in … Continue reading Unlock Sunnah: Explore the Benefits of Islamic Hijama Therapy

5 pillars of islam

Understanding the 5 Pillars of Islam Essentials and the Articles of Faith

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the fundamental aspects of Islam – the 5 Pillars of Islam and the Articles of Faith. These pillars and articles form the core of Islamic belief and practice, providing a framework for Muslim individuals and communities to nurture their faith and connect with Allah. By understanding these essentials, we gain insight into the principles that shape the … Continue reading Understanding the 5 Pillars of Islam Essentials and the Articles of Faith

things muslims can and cannot do

What can Muslims do and not do according to their religion

As the world becomes more interconnected, it is essential to have a greater understanding of different cultures and religions. Islam is the second-largest religion globally, and approximately 1.8 billion people follow this faith. To foster greater cultural awareness and inclusivity, it is crucial to understand the Islamic faith practices and beliefs, especially the things Muslims can and cannot do according to their religion. This article … Continue reading What can Muslims do and not do according to their religion

Exploring how Islamic Muslim Countries Really Are

In this article, we delve into the complexities and nuances of Islamic Muslim countries to gain a deeper understanding of their diversity, practices, governance, and future outlook. The Islamic Muslim world encompasses a wide range of nations, each with its own distinct cultural practices, implementation of Sharia law, and treatment of minorities. By examining these aspects, we can challenge misconceptions and foster a more informed … Continue reading Exploring how Islamic Muslim Countries Really Are

islam dogs

Islam and Dogs: Understanding Islam’s Relationship with Dogs

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Islam’s relationship with dogs. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of Islam’s stance on dogs, from its history to its teachings and practices. By delving into these topics, we aim to provide you with a deeper understanding of Islam’s perspective on dogs and how Muslims interact with these animals. Throughout history, dogs have held a significant … Continue reading Islam and Dogs: Understanding Islam’s Relationship with Dogs

Understanding Jahannam and Hell Fire in Islamic Beliefs

Jahannam holds a significant place in Islamic beliefs for being the realm of fiery torment and eternal punishment in the afterlife. Described in great detail in Islamic scriptures, it is believed to be a place of punishment for sinners. Understanding the concept of Jahannam is of utmost importance for Muslims to lead a righteous life and avoid eternal punishment in the afterlife. Key Takeaways The Islamic Concept of Jahannam Jahannam is an essential and widely recognized concept in Islamic belief … Continue reading Understanding Jahannam and Hell Fire in Islamic Beliefs

Jesus in Islam: Prophet of God

Jesus holds a significant place in the Islamic tradition as a prophet of God. In Islam, Jesus (known as ‘Isa’ in Arabic) is revered as one of the most esteemed messengers sent by God to guide humanity. With a rich history and deep theological implications, the presence of Jesus in Islamic belief serves as a testament to the profound impact of his teachings and the … Continue reading Jesus in Islam: Prophet of God

Islam, Judaism and Christianity comparison

Comparing Islam, Judaism, and Christianity

Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are three of the world’s major religions and are often grouped together as Abrahamic faiths due to their shared origins and belief in the monotheistic worship of one God. While each of these religions has its unique characteristics and practices, there are also notable similarities and differences that set them apart. In this article, we will delve into the similarities, differences, … Continue reading Comparing Islam, Judaism, and Christianity

masturbation islam

Masturbation in Islam: Halal or Haram?

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the topic of masturbation in Islam. In this article, we aim to explore the question of whether masturbation is allowed or forbidden in the religion, shedding light on the various perspectives and considerations that surround this sensitive subject. As with any discussion about sexuality within religious contexts, it is essential to approach the topic with respect and sensitivity. We … Continue reading Masturbation in Islam: Halal or Haram?

wet dreams in islam

Understanding Wet Dreams in Islam – An Overview

Wet dreams, also known as nocturnal emissions, are a natural occurrence that can happen to both men and women. In Islamic teachings, wet dreams hold a significant place, and the religion provides guidance on how to approach and understand them. Let’s explore the Islamic perspective on wet dreams, religious rulings surrounding them, and the purification practices associated with these nocturnal phenomena. Key Takeaways: Wet dreams … Continue reading Understanding Wet Dreams in Islam – An Overview

dream interpretation

Understanding Dreams in Islam – Insights & Meanings

Islamic Dream Meanings and Interpretations Islamic dream interpretations offer valuable insights into the hidden meanings of our dreams. Understanding the significance of dreams in Islam can provide guidance, comfort, and spiritual awakening. This section will explore the authentic sources used for Islamic dream interpretation, the distinction between true dreams and false ones, the importance of prophetic dreams, and the intriguing question of whether dreams can … Continue reading Understanding Dreams in Islam – Insights & Meanings

Who are the 25 Prophets in Islam with Biographies?

Islam is a religion rooted in the belief in one God and the teachings of his Prophets, who were chosen to convey his message and guide humanity towards righteousness. The Islamic faith recognizes 25 Prophets, each with a unique story and contributions to the religion. Understanding their biographies and teachings is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of the Islamic faith. Key Takeaways: The Islamic faith … Continue reading Who are the 25 Prophets in Islam with Biographies?

Sleep Paralysis and Jinns in Islam: Insights

Sleep paralysis is a sleep disorder that has been experienced by many individuals worldwide. In Islam, it is believed that the phenomenon of sleep paralysis is associated with jinns, which are spiritual entities mentioned in the Quran. The Islamic perspective on sleep paralysis offers unique insights into the cultural belief systems and spiritual aspects of this sleep disorder. Understanding the connection between jinns and sleep … Continue reading Sleep Paralysis and Jinns in Islam: Insights

Habib Ali al-Jifri on Christmas

Islamic stance on Christmas I remind my brothers from among the students of sacred knowledge that the scholars who forbid congratulating non-Muslims on their religious celebrations tied their judgement to the assumption that congratulating affirms certain tenets of belief (held by non-Muslims) that are diametrically opposed to Islam. They anchored their judgement on a widespread understanding and custom particular to their time that congratulating others … Continue reading Habib Ali al-Jifri on Christmas

How to perform Hajj and Umrah Pilgrimage- And Lots of Tips!

Hajj and Umrah Pilgrimage- The Ultimate Journey and Ultimate Guide

[mks_pullquote align=”center” width=”600″ size=”16″ bg_color=”#c6c6c6″ txt_color=”#00000″]Disclaimer: The following post is on my experience of Umrah, the lesser pilgrimage. Hajj is the actual pilgrimage every Muslim should make. The following post is also based on the works of scholars.[/mks_pullquote]


The Journey begins

And proclaim to mankind the Hajj. They will come to you on foot and on every lean camel, they will come from every deep and distant valley. Qur’an 22:27

Ever wondered why you make pilgrimage to Makkah and Madina, why perform Umrah, why dress in white and circumambulate?

Before going, I felt this question was important to me. Aside from the blessings and sightseeing, what is the purpose of this journey? Why is Hajj fardh upon every Muslim?

My personal reflection was that, it is about proclaiming Allah’s name openly and proudly. Where we acknowledge Allah ﷻ as our creator and sustainer, our Lord. In many passages of the Qu’ran, Allah ﷻ Continue reading “How to perform Hajj and Umrah Pilgrimage- And Lots of Tips!”

Common Mistakes in Ramadan

Common Mistakes in Ramadan

For many of us Ramadan has lost its spirituality and has become more of a robotic exercise than a form of Ibaadah (worship); we fast from morning to night like zombies because everyone around us is fasting. We forget that its a time to purify our hearts and our souls from all evil and sin. We forget to make Dua, forget to beseech Allah to forgive us and ask Him to save us from the Fire. Sure we stay away from food and drink but that’s about all we manage to do. Lets have a look at some of the most common mistakes in Ramadan.

Too much stress on food and drink

For some people, the entire month of Continue reading “Common Mistakes in Ramadan”

Moon sighting in Islam and the rules

Muslim Moon Wars How moonsighting is established islamicallyUsing Modern equipmentLocal vs GlobalProblem with SaudiNecessary to follow local mosqueSolutionsMisc What is Moon sighting? Year after Year, Eid after Eid, Muslims debate on what the correct day is for Ramadhan, Eid, Hajj, etc. There have been instances of countries keeping only 28 fasts in total and at other times lengthening this to 31. There are various approaches … Continue reading Moon sighting in Islam and the rules


Islamic Haircuts

An unusual topic for me to discuss, but one Muslims generally overlook. Although not the strictest of rulings, there are hadith that stress keeping an adequate hair style. You can argue there’s far more important things to worry about but purity is in all aspects of your life. The main underlying factor is that adopting any hairstyle that entails shaving some part of the head and … Continue reading Islamic Haircuts